Clean production areas = more profitable and sustainable companies

Cleanliness in the work environment is of the utmost importance. Keeping work areas clean provides greater productivity, a considerable reduction in accidents, greater comfort for the worker and a better image for the customer.

For this reason, in the industrial environment and especially in the manufacturing field, regulatory requirements must be considered, such as: NOM-001-STPS; NOM-004-STPS; NOM-005-STPS-1998, NOM006-STPS-2014, NOM-010-STPS-1999, as well as some Continuous Improvement Methodologies, Kaizen , 5’s, ISO, Security Policies that in most point to cleanliness and order as an important part for its proper functioning in order to prevent risks to workers by following the procedures. It should be noted that there are regulations that are mandatory within the entire national territory and the methodologies are mostly required by both internal and external audits.

Especially for compliance with Resolution 0312 or SGST. It is important to use Biodegradable cleaners in our cleaning and maintenance tasks since each of us is responsible for caring for the environment and for legal compliance such as the Law of Spills, which are already subject to fines.

Biodegradable products are those whose composition handles biological raw materials that degrade in the shortest time without causing damage to the environment. The cleaning of industrial machines is a topic of fundamental importance for the proper functioning of an organization and not only that, but it will help you reduce expenses and more. Costs are really reduced by cleaning in the facilities When you have a good cleaning service for industrial machines you will save a good amount of money in costs, especially when it comes to repair, since several machines tend to be damaged due to the dirt or material residues accumulated in its internal parts.

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