frequently asked questions

What are Biodegradable Products?

They are those whose composition handles biological raw materials that degrade in the shortest time without causing damage to the environment.

Is it important to use biodegradable cleaners in our cleaning and maintenance?

It is very important since each one of us is responsible for caring for the environment and for legal compliance such as the Law on Spills, which are already subject to fines.

Is it true that water-soluble degreasers that are diluted with water (water-based) rust mechanical parts?

Our degreasers have corrosion inhibitors in their composition, which allow the degreaser to be diluted with water and prevent it from oxidizing, since the corrosion inhibitor sequesters the oxygen molecule, preventing it from oxidizing mechanical parts.

Why is it important to clean industrial machinery?

The cleaning of industrial machines is an issue of fundamental importance for the good functioning of an organization and not only that but it will help you reduce
expenses and more.

How to choose a good industrial machinery cleaning service?

To choose a good industrial machinery cleaning service, we recommend you take into account the following: industrial machinery cleaning services include the removal of oxides, grease, oil, and pre-operational and operational material residues. This will keep out the rolling rust and corrosion, as well as food residue, which in the food industry can result in serious losses and even serious legal problems.

Is it important that your Degreaser supplier has all the supporting documentation for the cleaning products?

It is very important that they have a technical file, safety sheet, and biodegradability certificates, which are support for their proper use, handling, engineering controls, and as support before a visit from a state entity.